Monday 14 July 2008

Sleep of the gods

This is an ancient technique used to help individuals plug back into the source…and clean out their subconscious mind…so as to create a positive reality instead of a negative one…made up of all the bad images of the world…which are beamed daily into our minds. This is the timeless act of relaxing through breathing techniques and visualization…used to travel inside our minds to connect with our infinite higher selves…or should I say God.This is where we merge once again with our true eternal forms…and escape the madness of our 3dimensional dense reality. It was developed back in pre-history by Lemurian Shamans…to combat and help diffuse the negative D.N.A within…caused by negative bloodlines interbreeding with earth bloodlines. Meditation also helps to re-open the pineal D.M.T channel of the brain…to help access the higher dimensions beyond our 5 senses. Prayer is a form of meditation mixed with affirmation. Do you ever wonder why practices like yoga and meditation are all based around deep breathing techniques? And why people who tend to dabble in such seemingly pointless New-Age waste of time ventures…are much healthier and free of aches…pain…negative mindsets and illness? Well now we know…they are filling their ethereal light-bodies with pure 100%clean universal energy…and replacing the old stuck negative energy with a new vibrant kind. In our everyday world we are constantly bombarded by endless streams of positive and negative energy…and it certainly seems that most people are weighed down by much higher doses of negative than positive. This is directly associated with our hi-tech information world…where technology advances far exceed our human understanding and spirituality. We are sponges for all kinds of cosmic information…and this information is simply varying bands of vibrating energy…as everything in the universe is of course energy. We also take on board all the nasty subliminal messaging that’s hidden within advertising and television…this muck is being held by belief in our subconscious minds greatly affecting our emotional health. This is scrambling our personal ideas of choice and how we believe the world to be…and believe me literally when I say this…the total of our thoughts and emotions are what we manifest as our physical world and physical reality. So become aware of this and stop filling your spirit with trash and fear…and start breathing…believing…and stretching it away.When we turn the mind inwards, God manifests as the inner consciousness. (Sri Ramana Maharshi).

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